Rules for new Volunteer
- Any person who is willing to serve the people voluntarily to complete a specific project taken by the KRISHIBID FOUNDATION FOR HUMANITY (KFH) under its rules and regulation will be treated as a voluntary member.
- Any person who is declared as criminal by the Judicial Court and involves the subversive of the state activities they are not eligible as a General Member of this foundation.
- Persons who are vindicated for corruption by the Anti-Corruption Commission or concerned authority are not eligible as a Member of this foundation.
- Voluntary members will not be responsible to donate any amount to the foundation’s fund.
- Person willing to implement the aims and objectives of the foundation can be a member of the foundation.
- Member will not be entitled to any forms of financial benefits (i.e., salary, remuneration, honorarium, wages, etc.) from KFH.
Join with us as Volunteer
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